Nursing schools in New York

Accredited Nursing Schools In New York

Selecting an accredited nursing school is very important if you want to be a nurse. In New York you can find many nursing schools that have been accredited and are trusted by nurse aspirants of all parts of the world. Most of the nursing schools in this region have been accredited by The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) which is a national accrediting agency in USA. These nursing schools and colleges impart knowledge that is needed by nurse aspirants to become a fully qualified nurse and work in many reputable health care centers.

The state of New York is one of the most heavily populated one in USA. This is why there are large number of hospitals, health facilities and specialty medical centers in this part. Therefore there is a growing need of qualified nurses to run all these medical facilities. According to a recent study it has been found that New York City employs 375,000 people in the health care sector. This shows that the career of a nurse in this region is a rewarding one. So if you are thinking about entering this field you must make sure that the university from which you receive the nursing education is an accredited one.

In USA the nursing schools are accredited by either of the two nursing accreditation bodies- The National League of Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) or The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). The first one is a New York based organization that accredits all types of nursing education programs whereas the later only accredits programs that offer master’s and baccalaureate level nursing degrees. One of the benefits of graduating from accredited school is that it qualifies you to attend other accredited colleges and universities where you can pursue your higher education.

Some of the top most accredited nursing schools in New York have been mentioned below:

  • Broome Community College– This nursing school is an accredited one where the nurse aspirants can get an associate in applied science degree in nursing. Some of the subjects that have been included in the nursing curriculum of the college include biology, pharmacology, nursing theory and practice, human development and microbiology.
  • Adirondack Community College– The school not only provides theoretical knowledge to the nursing students but also encourage them to take part in clinical practice. This one too offers an associate of applied science degree in nursing.
  • Maria College– The nursing curriculum of the college includes nursing theory and clinical practice with formal classroom work. It is located in Albany in New York.
  • Excelsior College– This nursing school offers an associate in science degree, Bachelor of Science in nursing program, Master of Science in nursing program as well as certificate programs. It is said to be a leader in online and distance learning in nursing as well as many other fields.
  • Monroe Community College– It offers an associate’s degree in applied science in nursing. The curriculum includes subjects like anatomy, physiology, microbiology, nursing theory, adult and child nursing, etc.

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