Nursing school accreditation

Accreditation Nursing Schools

If you have decided to take up a career in nursing it is important for you to choose a nursing school that is accredited by a national autonomous body. This is the first factor that you need to take into consideration when you have decided to go in for a Bachelor’s or a Master’s Degree.

You must keep one thing in mind that the recognition of the nursing school is one that plays a significant role in the life of a student. A student who studies from a school that has a good reputation is able to get a competitive edge in the job market. This is the reason why it is essentials for the student to get enrolled in accredited school of nursing. There are high standards and this ensures that the quality of education that is imparted to the student is very good.

In the USA the major accreditation organizations are The National League For Nursing Commission and The Commission On Collegiate Nursing Education. They are the topmost agencies that accredit colleges and schools.

There are more specific details that you should know and that is the award certifications to nursing schools that are good are generally rendered by the NLNAC. This is the only body in the nation that provides authorization to all types of advanced and post secondary nursing programs. This body has been operating for almost 50 years and it currently enjoys a very prestigious position among employers and nursing aspirants in the USA.

The next leading accreditation body after the NLNAC is the Commission Of Collegiate Nursing Education or the CCNE. This is the second leading body established in the year 1996. Other accreditation bodies are the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) Division of Accreditation that is identified and recognized by the US Department Of Education. It has a name for authorizing those nursing schools that impart an advanced level of midwifery education.

From the above it is evident that not all nursing schools are equal and this is the reason why before you enroll for one, ensure that you check the accreditation details. It is to be remembered that accredited nursing schools tend to provide better career opportunities to students who enroll in them. Students are also able to enjoy more financial aids and special grants. With the aid of these accredited schools a student is able to establish a strong foundation in the medical and healthcare profession and develop successfully too.

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