Phlebotomy Certification Requirements In Wisconsin

Phlebotomy training in the state of  Wisconsin can be accomplished one of two ways. On the job certification comes when you have had specialized training that is focused on daily venipuncture of several people for the purpose of either drawing blood or plasma in a blood or plasma donation center, or through the more traditional route of college education.

The on the job training often requires that you be a certified medical assistant at the very least, a registered nurse at most. However, the benefits to learning and earning a phlebotomy certification this way is that the donation centers pay you a salary for it. You do have to meet their beginning training requirements and the phlebotomist salary doesn’t reach its full potential until you’ve passed the training and choose to stay on with the donation center. Otherwise, you can leave and find a job elsewhere, but the salary is such that many choose to stay and get more experience before looking for a job in a hospital or clinic.

With phlebotomy training in Madison WI has a couple colleges that can teach you what you need to know but they move you through a degree program in either nursing or an equal medical profession. Madison Area Technical College is the only one that bypasses all of that and requires high school graduation before entering their four credit certification program. Because it’s only four credits, it doesn’t count as half-time status, and therefore doesn’t count for Federal Student aid. You are on your own if you choose this route, although you might be able to find a scholarship to help defer the costs or an employer who will pay you back your educational expenses once you’re hired on. Phlebotomy certification requirements in Wisconsin are not that particular.

Once you have your certification, a phlebotomist salary in Wisconsin is approximately $25,000. Not a bad salary for a single person, but some medical professionals earn more than that. Also, that is the average, so it’s important to keep in mind that you might make more or less than this, and there really isn’t an “up ladder” for this career choice. If this is what you want to do and to learn, you need to go into it knowing these things ahead of time.

That being said, given the salary does not match the dangers involved, e.g., accidental needle sticks, blood borne pathogens, etc., you must really have a passion to learn about the circulatory system and how blood functions within the human body. You must also want to help people who may be sick and only their blood samples taken accurately by you can tell diagnostics the reasons why. There are many opportunities to help people as a phlebotomist or phleb technician, as they are more commonly called, but it is a unique career choice that requires the right type of people to do it.

Explore “Top 10 Scholarships For Phlebotomy Students” in your area.

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