Nursing schools in California

Top nursing schools in California

If you are looking to go back to school for a degree in Nursing, you may want to consider one of these top accredited nursing schools in California. There are plenty of options to choose from, but a few of the top choices are included here to help you make the most educated decision in schooling.

UCLA School of Nursing

The University of California is ranked number 12 in the country for nursing schools. You can choose to get your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Nursing from their pre-licensure programs. There are multiple certificates that you can choose from to get any specialized certifications in order to become a nurse practitioner or oncology nurse practitioner.

University of San Diego School of Nursing and Health Science

There are four degree options to choose from at this school. You can obtain your M.S. in nursing, a masters entry program, Ph.D. in Nursing and a D.N.P. With a ranking of 47 in the country, you can rest assured that you are going to get the training you need to be successful in your new career. The master’s entry program is only five terms long and will earn you a Master’s degree in nursing in no time at all. The school is a Roman Catholic based school, but they encourage anyone from any walk of faith to attend their programs.

Cal State LA School of Nursing

This school ranks at the same level as San Diego State, but they only have the two main degree options available to students. You can either obtain a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree in Nursing, but they also offer the option for specialty programs. There is the choice between nursing education, psychiatric and mental health for all of your specialty needs and training. Their Bachelor program will prepare you for the career of your dreams in no time at all.

Concorde Career College

Concorde is a private school that provides the training you need for all of your healthcare career moves. They aim to provide you with the quality training that you need to be successful in your new Nursing career. Through their hands on training, they make sure that you are getting the practical experience that you need to be productive and proficient as a Nurse. The majority of their programs are conducted through supervised clinical situations. There is even a one-year program that gives you the necessary information you need to be able to take your NCLEX-PN exam and apply for your license.

Everest College

At Everest College you will receive the training that you need to prepare yourself for employment in the Nursing fields. The healthcare profession is on the rise and at Everest they want to make sure that you receive the practical instruction and skill knowledge that you need to achieve success in your Nursing career. They want to make sure you are confident and prepared for the career path you are about to enter in to. You can choose from a variety of different programs to give you the flexibility and training that you need to be successful.

You need to make sure you choose one of the accredited nursing schools California has to offer. There is nothing worse than not having options to choose from, but when you enter into the Nursing career you will have more choices than what you could ever imagine. Begin your new career path today and see what the world has to offer you.

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