CNA certification in New Jersey

Certified Nursing Assistants In New Jersey

Nurses who wish to practice as certified nurses assistants in New Jersey must first be able to take and pass the Certified Nurses Assistant examination. Nurses who already hold current certification from other states will be allowed to take the exam immediately. Nurses who have certifications from the state of New Jersey that have lapsed will be allowed to retake the examination immediately.

Nurses who hold lapsed certifications from other states will also be allowed to take the examination once it is determined that they hold enough educational hours to be certified in New Jersey. Other states differ in the amount of hours that a nurse is required to attend once the federal requirement of seventy five hours is met.

To become a certified nurses assistant in New Jersey, a student must complete a rigorous course that combines classroom learning and hands-on clinical experience. This course is required before the student can take the Certified Nurses Assistant examination. It is required that the student have passed this exam before they can take nursing employment at any medical facility or nursing home.

The state approved certified nurses assistant course is offered at various locations throughout the state. Prices and entrance requirements may vary from course to course, however each course will be the same in the number of classroom and clinical hours. One of the best places to find this program is through Workforce Advantage, which offers it in various cities.

The course not only helps the nurses pass the exam, it also gives them valuable hands-on experience that will help prepare them for entry level jobs in their chosen field once they have passed the test. Each state has different regulations regarding the number of hours a nurse must study before being able to take the certified nurses assistant examination. Every state at least agrees that the federal minimum requirement of seventy five course hours is not enough, and has added additional requirements that vary by state.

This certification is required as a condition of employment for any nursing job at a nursing home, hospital or other medical facility. There are many different places you can take the certified nurses assistant course. Places like colleges and nursing homes, hospitals and work study programs are all places that have this course available. Some of these places will reimburse the student for taking the certified nurses assistants course, this is usually provided the student goes to work for the facility.

The entrance requirements, course requirements and course costs may vary by facility and is up to the discretion of the sponsoring facility. The only guidelines set forth by the state have to do with the number of study hours required in order to be able to take the certified nurses assistant examination. Different teachers like to take different approaches in making sure their students are prepared to take the examination. Some require more lab work, others more classroom study time. Most often the differences are in the number of clinical study hours, in this setting students learn by doing.

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